Young Theologians Society

the public thoughts of a secret society committed to the study of ancient theologians and modern missional contexts.

8:12 AM

Theology of Bling

Posted by JB

I know this gets into really deep water... and will likely offend a bunch, but who cares? What is a proper financial theology? The modern church is putting a large emphasis on helping the poor, and things of that nature, but also on being culturally relevant technologically (in both mission and personal aspects). Where is the line? When does it become too much money spent on our personal comfort and technological savvy? Should we all be driving used cars and listening to non-Ipod mp3 players? Is it wrong to eat lobster and steak and live in houses with more rooms for more of our stuff? Is it enough to simply say, "honor God with your earnings"? What is the line that denotes "your heart is right" and the one that denotes "you're focused too much on self"? I know this is just a lot of questions, but is there even an answer?


Greg F. said...
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